Contact Us

We invite you to contact us about any issue that may arise. Here at, our goal is to provide the most outstanding independent referral service possible in the industry. Of course, one way that savvy businesses achieve such a goal is by obtaining regular feedback from their clients. Do you have a suggestion to optimize one of the processes? A concern about one of the policies? A question about one of the independent ladies? Has some technical glitch caused the booking process to be less than perfectly smooth? You are more than welcome to reach out!

We cannot analyze and correct an issue if we are not aware of it! Because our business model relies upon repeat clientele and word of mouth referrals in order to thrive for all of the independent ladies advertising, we want those clients to be 100% satisfied. We won’t settle for 90 or 95% satisfied; we want you thrilled that you chose City Girls Direct over other competitors, and eager to book again. If you have not had the best possible escort companion dating experience, we want to hear about it and improve; only top-notch customer referral service will do. We want to provide the kind of perfect referral service that motivates you to say “Buddy, you’ve gotta call this number” when a business associate is in town.<.p>

Although our friendly “matchmaker” operators are available to aid in booking your independent ladies for that special event or dinner date during both daytime and evening time, the administrative office is not available as often. Because of this, we do ask that you allow up to 72 hours for an administrator to handle whatever questions, comments, and concerns that the operators aren’t equipped to address.

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